Sylvain Pataille是布根地年輕一代最有才華的釀酒師之一,酒莊的頂級酒款“L’Ancestrale”被法國權威葡萄酒年鑑Bettane&Desseauve譽為Marsannay有史以來釀出的最好的紅酒。 Sylvain Pataille是生物動力法忠實信徒。 Sylvain Pataille是唯一被勃艮第權威Clive Coates打星的3家Marsannay酒莊之一。 Clive Coates評價說他是布根地的“Young Tiger ” 之一,已經是一個超級明星。
Marsannay把守著勃根地名酒區金丘的大門Cote’d Or,位置最北最靠Dijon市只有它的葡萄園位於陡峭的山坡上,當地稱之為“秀臀”。 1987年成立法定產區,產區盛產富果香口感清新且具有骨架的酒,故擁有“戴著絲絨手套的鐵拳”一稱。

【An impressive Bourgogne Blanc that’s more than delicious – it’s alive with personality and terroir.】香之餘,呢個酸度靚到阿媽都唔認得
Slyvain Pataille是JR重點推薦的酒莊,在2013每年一月倫敦品酒會上,這個酒莊是Wine of the Week, JR特登寫了篇文章來推薦。部分文章內容摘錄如下供大家參考:
Sylvain Pataille of Marsannay really is making better and better wine every year and seems to have shrugged off the challenges of 2011 without a second thought. He’s a cherubic young man with a mop of sandy curls and could not have been more active at yesterday’s OW Loeb burgundy 2011 tasting in London, keen to tell every single taster the full background to every one of the nine wines he was showing there.
This is a producer really worth seeking out from the northern end of the Côte d’Or, which seems to be the source of an increasing number of interesting wines.