Jimmy The Argentine 萬用亞根廷香料 – Smoky Patagonia 煙熏巴塔哥尼亞香料

正在搵緊提升菜式風味的方法? 咁就要試下 Jimmy The Argentine – Smoky Patagonia 煙熏巴塔哥尼亞香料! 呢種令人難以置信的優質香草和香料的混合物經過精心挑選,可為您的餐點增添一絲風味。無論您是製作比薩醬還是bolognaise醬,Smoky Patagonia 都是完美的增味劑。 仲可用作直接擦在牛肉、羊肉、雞肉和魚肉,是肉類的最佳選擇。

Original price was: $98.00.Current price is: $88.00.


正在搵緊提升菜式風味的方法? 咁就要試下 Jimmy The Argentine – Smoky Patagonia 煙熏巴塔哥尼亞香料!

呢種令人難以置信的優質香草和香料的混合物經過精心挑選,可為您的餐點增添一絲風味。無論您是製作比薩醬還是bolognaise醬,Smoky Patagonia 都是完美的增味劑。 仲可用作直接擦在牛肉、羊肉、雞肉和魚肉,是肉類的最佳選擇。

Jimmy The Argentine – Smoky Patagonia 煙熏巴塔哥尼亞香料是由澳洲塔斯曼尼亞製造的正宗阿根廷食材,它獨特而大膽的口感,讓您無法抗拒。Jimmy The Argentine – Smoky Patagonia 煙熏巴塔哥尼亞香料 只採用最好的原料製成,是讓您的菜餚歌唱的秘訣。 立即嘗試,發現阿根廷美食所提供的令人難以置信的風味。不要錯過 Smoky Patagonia 將您的烹飪提升到一個新水平的機會!


  • 澳洲塔斯曼尼亞製造
  • 尺寸: D 6.5 x 10 cm
  • 重量:110 grams
  • 保質期:24個月


  • 簡單用法: 用作調味料或直接擦在食物上。日常的終極增味劑


  • 請搖勻才使用


  • 存放在陰涼黑暗的地方。 打開後,本產品最好在打開後 12 週內食用,以確保最新鮮


  • 所有天然香料混合物,包括辣椒粉、卡宴辣椒、香菜、牛至、糖、鹽


  • 澳洲 (塔斯曼尼亞)


Looking for a way to enhance the flavour of your dishes? Look no further than Jimmy The Argentine – Smoky Patagonia!

This incredible blend of premium herbs and spices is carefully curated to add a burst of flavour to your meals. Whether you’re making pizza sauce or bolognaise, Smoky Patagonia is the perfect flavour booster. It can also be used as a dry rub on beef, lamb, chicken, and fish, and it’s the ultimate boom on pork ribs.

Jimmy The Argentine – Smoky Patagonia is inspired by Patagonia Argentina, Made in Tasmania Australia, with a unique and bold taste that you won’t be able to resist. Made with only the finest ingredients, Jimmy The Argentine is the secret to making your dishes sing. Try it today and discover the incredible flavour that Argentine cuisine has to offer. Don’t miss out on the chance to take your cooking to the next level with Smoky Patagonia!

Product Spec

  • Made in Tasmania
  • Product Size: D 6.5 x 10 cm
  • Weight: 110 grams
  • Shelf Life: 24 months

Product Usage

  • Use the Smoky Patagonia as a dry rub or seasoning. It is the ultimate flavour booster for your everyday meals

Product Remark

  • Please shake well before use

Storage Condition

  • Store in a cool dark place. Once opened, this product is best consumed within 12 weeks of opening to ensure most freshness

Product Ingredients

  • All natural spice blend including paprika, cayenne chilli, coriander, oregano, sugar, salt

Country of Origin

  • Australia (Tasmania)
Purchase Link: https://bit.ly/Provenzal_ETRP
More Information: https://jaimesomm.com/jimmy-the-argentine/